“I love to sail and I wouldn’t be able to live inland. Helsinki is one of the few capitals where you can see the horizon, where the sea and the sky meet. I feel at home when I’m walking by the sea. What a wonderful feeling when you get to walk on ice. I let my dog loose and watch her enjoy it, too.
I’ve been in design for 25 years, and I founded Helsinki Design Week 13 years ago. Now I see how much it has brought communality to the city: Helsinki is a design city the year-round. The acknowledgements I have been given warm the heart but also bring a sense of responsibility. I feel that I am doing something that benefits everyone, which is really rewarding.
I live on Katajanokka just a street away from work. Only a couple of strokes on the pedal uphill and then down the hill to the office. It takes me 1.5 minutes to go to work. I cycle nearly throughout the year. When the traffic is at a halt and I am gliding between the cars I feel as free as a cowboy.
The new restaurants in Helsinki are a delight. There are so many new restaurants by the canal on Katajanokka, and now there’s even a karaoke bar!
Welcome to Helsinki."
Kari Korkman is the founder and CEO of Helsinki Design Week. He is also the president the World Design Weeks network. He was photographed at the HDW offices on Katajannokka.